5 Ways To Invest In Yourself

After a few years full of trials and tribulations, people have begun to question their value…. What is my time worth? What is my quality of life worth? Am I doing what I love? Am I happy?

As a result, we’ve seen a mass exodus from corporate America, people in search of a new path toward happiness and wellbeing. Whether you have taken a 180 toward a new perspective on your worth; or have simply laid boundaries for a better quality of life we here at Ms.Medicine have some insight we hope you find helpful.  

The surest path to your personal and professional success is making yourself the top priority. The key is to consider yourself an investment and realize you are worth every penny! Some great ways to begin investing in yourself are:

1. Find a Mentor- Finding the right mentor provides you with such a valuable asset. Not only can they provide guidance from an insider’s view, but they can also help identify pitfalls and challenges before you encounter them.

2. Foster Quality Friendships- Friendships change over our lifetime and many come and go. As adults, we find that friendship becomes more about quality than quantity. Forging a quality friendship that can withstand the test of time requires being mindful, making them a priority, and being honest and responsive.

3. Acquire a New Skill- Speaking of improved mental health, did you know that adult learners are physically and mentally healthier than their counterparts? When we choose to learn something as adults it’s because we find value in what we are doing. Learning a new skill not only helps you gain new experiences but also trains your brain and keeps neural pathways active. Just like food nourishes our bodies, information and continued learning nourishes our minds!

4. Improve Your Health- Many of us head into a new year with big plans to improve ourselves. While this is great in theory, we often find it much more difficult to achieve and maintain in practice. Be sure you are setting yourself up for success by creating small manageable goals and celebrating the victories along the journey, whether in nutrition, weight loss, mental health, or overall physical health!

5. Get Organized- Clutter can take a toll on your health by increasing your stress, even when you don’t recognize it. Getting organized can help lessen the burden of an endless to-do list. Getting organized can help reduce the weight on your shoulders and reduce your body’s primary stress hormone resulting in a happier healthier you!

Investing in yourself sends a powerful message to the world that you are ready to make yourself a priority.

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