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The Ms.Medicine blog is your trusted source for comprehensive women's health information. We’ll cover a wide range of topics including general health, wellness, lifestyle, nutrition, and women's specific health concerns. With evidence-based articles and practical advice, we aim to empower women to make informed decisions about their health and well-being at every stage of life.

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WELLNESS Tara Derington WELLNESS Tara Derington

Keeping the Summer Blues at Bay: My Experience with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Summer is often associated with sunshine, beach outings, and outdoor activities. However, for individuals experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the summer months can be anything but enjoyable. As the iconic song from the movie "Grease" goes, "Summer lovin', had me a blast," but for those with Summer SAD, the heat and humidity can trigger feelings of depression, anxiety, and irritability.

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