Ms.Medicine Blog
The Ms.Medicine blog is your trusted source for comprehensive women's health information. We’ll cover a wide range of topics including general health, wellness, lifestyle, nutrition, and women's specific health concerns. With evidence-based articles and practical advice, we aim to empower women to make informed decisions about their health and well-being at every stage of life.
Recognizing the Signs of Burnout: A Path to Preventing Chronic Stress
Public health isn’t just the job of professionals—it’s a community effort. Learn how to drive meaningful change through volunteering, advocacy, and personal health choices. Every action counts in building a healthier, stronger society.
The Power of Sibling Bonds: Shaping Emotional Well-being and Personal Growth
Sibling relationships are more than shared childhood memories—they shape emotional intelligence, resilience, and personal growth. Learn how these lifelong bonds influence mental health and social skills, and discover strategies to strengthen them into adulthood.
Navigating the Emotional Journey of Diabetes: Empowering Women with Coping Strategies and Support
Living with diabetes extends far beyond blood sugar management, especially for women facing unique challenges like hormonal fluctuations and PCOS. While physical health is crucial, the emotional impact of diabetes requires equal attention. Discover effective coping strategies, support systems, and empowerment tools designed specifically for women navigating diabetes. Learn how to build resilience and maintain emotional well-being while managing your health journey.
Using Story for Connection and Health Understanding in Menopause
Dr. Denise Millstine discusses how books can transform difficult health conversations. Through the Mayo Clinic Read.Talk.Grow podcast, she explorres menopause through powerful novels and memoirs, creating a new way to understand this natural transition. From supernatural thrillers to honest memoirs, these books offer a fresh perspective on the menopause journey.
Embrace the Chill: 4 Tips for Banishing Those Winter Blues!
As the sun sets earlier each day, the dark nights stretch on and the chilly air sneaks in. Colder weather can bring with it a mix of emotions. While some people anticipate the cozy comforts of wintertime you may find yourself struggling with sadness or feeling depressed, also known as the winter blues.
Finding Joy in the New Year: A Mental Health Guide for Coping with Grief
The start of a new year is often seen as a time of fresh beginnings and optimism. However, for many individuals, dealing with grief during this period can present its own set of challenges. It is crucial to recognize and honor the emotions tied to grief in the new year, seeking ways to navigate through it with compassion and self-care.
Men’s Health By The Numbers
Here at Ms.Medicine, we are dedicated to improving the standard of care for women. But we believe that everyone deserves exceptional healthcare. That's why we strive to ensure that the men in our lives also get the exceptional care they deserve. It is crucial to break down the barriers and stigmas associated with men's health issues and encourage men to take a proactive approach to their well-being. This comprehensive guide will explore the statistics and facts surrounding men's health, shedding light on various aspects that impact their overall health and quality of life.
6 Pillars Of Health
No matter our age or state of health, there are six key factors that play a critical role in our health. Often simple and overlooked, these fundamentals build upon one another as the foundation to keep us healthy and help us recover from disease. If you find yourself wondering how to better manage or maintain your health, consider the following elements:
Let’s Talk About Mental Health
We all feel stressed, worried, or a little blue from time to time. But, when those feelings persist and begin to interfere with our daily lives, it can take a toll on our physical health and relationships.
How can we support our childrens mental health as we embark on a new school year?
Summer is a time to unwind and enjoy being unscheduled for both parents and children. In the blink of an eye, it seems, fall is upon us. The anticipation of school and schedules can be anxiety provoking for us all. How can we make this transition easier for our kids and support their mental health?
Want to live longer? Get social.
Relationships with friends, family and coworkers are a source of happiness, joy (and yes, sometimes stress and frustrations). But, when it comes to your health, the good far outweighs the bad.