Embrace the Chill: 4 Tips for Banishing Those Winter Blues!

As the sun sets earlier each day, the dark nights stretch on and the chilly air sneaks in. Colder weather can bring with it a mix of emotions. While some people anticipate the cozy comforts of wintertime you may find yourself struggling with sadness or feeling depressed, also known as the winter blues. 

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of major depressive order that occurs seasonally in the fall or winter. And is commonly referred to as the winter blues. According to psychiatrist Dr. Stephanie Sutton from the University Health Center, individuals with mild changes in energy or mood during the winter can benefit from making lifestyle adjustments before seeking medical help. However, early treatment may be necessary for those with underlying depression that worsens during the colder months.

Discover how to make the most of the winter season by following these four helpful tips:

Prioritize Sleep

Getting sufficient rest can vastly enhance your mood, boost your energy, and increase your productivity. Additionally, maintaining a regular sleep routine and creating a cozy sleeping atmosphere can greatly contribute to your overall well-being.

Get Outside

As the colder months approach, the cozy thought of staying indoors may seem like the most tempting choice. Who can blame us for wanting to avoid the chill? However, it is essential for our overall well-being. Both physical and mental, to remain active. Don't worry, it doesn't mean you have to brave the elements for hours on end. Simply incorporating activities like, sledding with loved ones, or a brisk walk.Can do wonders for your health. 

Spend Time with Friends & Family

Embrace the chilly weather by going ice skating or cross-country skiing together. Creating unforgettable moments for all. If the temperatures are too cold, why not take a trip to a local museum or catch a movie? And on those extra cold days, there's no shame in staying in your cozy pajamas and spending quality time at home with a puzzle or board game. 

Vitamin D

During the cold winter months, depending solely on sunlight may not suffice for fulfilling your body's requirement for vitamin D. This is crucial for ensuring overall well-being, but it becomes problematic to absorb sufficient amounts of it when temperatures drop. Those who spend the majority of their days inside are particularly susceptible to experiencing deficiencies.

According to Baylor College of Medicine, “the typical adult needs 800 international units of vitamin D per day, which roughly translates to 15 to 30 minutes of good, direct sunlight. If you spend ample time inside, especially without windows, Dr. Mike Ren, assistant professor, recommends taking an over-the-counter vitamin D supplement. If you take supplements, you need more than the recommended 800 international units per day because you're not going to absorb 100% of that supplement, so get 5000 international units as the baseline,” he said. “It’s a supplement, and it’s safe to take. If there is a little excess, your body will excrete it out.”

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