Why Getting an Endometriosis Diagnosis Is Painfully Slow

Bindi Irwin, the conservationist, and daughter of the late Steve Irwin, recently put endometriosis in the spotlight as she took to social media to share her journey. Irwin describes that she battled with “insurmountable fatigue, pain & nausea for ten years.” A doctor even told her that her pain “was simply something you deal with as a woman.” 

Endometriosis affects roughly 10% of girls and women globally and is a condition in which the uterine lining grows outside of the uterus. The abnormal tissue growth causes pain and, if left untreated, can lead to scars and adhesions, often resulting in infertility. According to Yale Medicine, women on average have symptoms for 10 years before being diagnosed, primarily due to lack of symptoms or because the associated pelvic pain is overlooked as menstrual pain. 

Endometriosis is a progressive disease and requires surgical confirmation. A laparoscopic telescope inserted through a small incision in the belly button allows a physician to visualize and even remove endometriosis when encountered. Physicians consider a patient's symptoms, medical history, and often imaging (MRI or ultrasound) before deciding to move forward with surgery. Women are often forced, out of desperation, to see several physicians before one takes their symptoms seriously.

Fortunately, if you believe you have endometriosis but remain undiagnosed or have been diagnosed but have not found help, there is hope! Ms. Medicine's primary care practices take a personalized approach to care. Your local provider can help you identify symptoms, provide support, and find relief. The provider will start by thoroughly assessing your symptoms to understand your needs and then recommend a tailored treatment plan. This plan may include medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. 

Additionally, your Ms.Medicine provider is part of a national network of women’s health experts with access to cutting-edge technology and precision medicine. At Ms.Medicine, patients have access to the care they want and need while awaiting diagnosis. We will work with you to identify and treat endometriosis with our evidence-based practice and physician-led approach. 

As Bindi Irwin so elegantly put it, “Let this be your validation that your pain is real & you deserve help. Keep searching for answers”. Come partner with the doctor you’ve always wanted to get the healthcare you’ve always deserved here at Ms.Medicine. 

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