Celebrating Sexual Health: Promoting Open Conversations & Empowerment

Let’s talk about sex, baby.

September is Sexual Health Awareness Month, a month dedicated to promoting education and openness around sex. Here at Ms. Medicine, we care about our clients’ overall wellness, including sexual health. So, to celebrate this September, let’s get (busy) talking. We all deserve to feel empowered to do so.

What is Sexual Health? 

According to the World Health Organization, sexual health considers your physical, emotional, and mental well-being concerning sex and sexuality. Being “sexually healthy” doesn’t just refer to topics we usually learn in sex ed--avoiding sexually transmitted diseases or unplanned pregnancy--but also includes being able to advocate for and achieve pleasure and intimacy when desired and respecting the sexual rights we share as humans.

Why is Sexual Health important? 

Sexual health is important because sexual wellness is a part of one’s overall wellness. Each person deserves to reap the physical and mental benefits of sex. Sex can reduce anxiety and stress, increase emotional intimacy with one’s partner, and boost mood and self-esteem. Sex can also act as a natural pain reliever, boost one’s immune system, and lead to better heart health. Researchers have also discussed gender-specific benefits of sex. For women, sex has been connected to strengthening pelvic floor muscles and may even delay menopause. For men, more sex has been tied to a lower risk of prostate cancer. These examples are only a few outlined by research articles.

A lack of sexual confidence can be hurtful to one’s mental health. Sex has long been a taboo topic, leading to conversations about sex to be swept under the rug. Sexual wellness includes feeling empowered to discuss one’s sexual well-being. Creating a culture that encourages open and honest conversation around sex can reduce the shame and guilt often felt around this topic.

What is World Sexual Health Day, and When is World Sexual Health Day? 

The World Association for Sexual Health started “World Sexual Health Day” in 2010 to promote sexual health awareness globally. World Sexual Health Day is celebrated on September 4, during Sexual Health Awareness Month.

Each year, the World Association for Sexual Health chooses a theme for World Sexual Health Day. Past themes included “Let’s Talk About It!”, “Love, bonding and intimacy, a possibility for all,” and “Let’s Talk Pleasure.”

The 2023 theme of World Sexual Health Day is “Consent!” The World Association for Sexual Health describes consent as “a crucial element of any healthy sexual encounter, and we must educate ourselves and others on what it means, how to express it, and how to obtain it. In addition, it is essential to respect and value everyone’s autonomy and choices in sexual matters, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or any other factor.”

How Can I Celebrate Sexual Health Awareness Month? 

Sexual Health Awareness Month provides us an excellent opportunity to reflect on how we currently operate concerning sexual health. This includes assessing what we know about sex and filling in knowledge gaps, creating an environment where we feel empowered to speak about sex and advocate for ourselves, and supporting sexual rights. Here are a handful of ways you can celebrate this month:

  • Increase your sex education: Your sex education may have left out important information on topics like pleasure and consent. Plus, conversations around sex are continually changing, and new findings about sex research continue to be uncovered. Freshen up your knowledge by attending workshops, exploring online resources, or talking to a care provider about how to stay informed about sexual health.

  • Reduce the risk of spreading STIs: You can use Sexual Health Awareness Month as a reminder to get tested for STIs. Ask your primary care physician or OB-GYN about tests, or visit a local lab or community clinic that offers tests.

  • Reflect on what a satisfying sex life means to you: How often would you like to have sex? What sexual activities do you like/dislike? What are your boundaries and desires? These are a few of the questions you can ask yourself to determine what a healthy sex life looks like for you. And remember, there is no one correct answer. You deserve to feel safe and empowered with respect to sex. Determining your own comfort level is an essential part of doing so.

  • Talk to your Partner: Sex can be beneficial for fostering a healthy relationship between you and your partner. After all, sex increases emotional intimacy, leaving you feeling more connected to your partner. But it’s essential to ensure you are on the same page. Talk to your partner about what you both want, each other’s satisfaction levels, and changes you’d like to make. Create a compassionate, open, and honest space where people feel respected and heard. This is an ongoing conversation. And remember, consent is essential each time you have sex with a partner.

  • Talk to a Provider about your Sexual Health: Your provider can help diagnose and treat any potential sexual health struggles, including pain during sex, difficulty achieving orgasm, and concerns about STIs or contraception. You deserve a provider who makes you feel safe and empowered to address these concerns. If this is not the case, do not be afraid to find a provider who may be a better fit.

Every person deserves a satisfying and fulfilling sex life—whatever that means for them. Sexual Health Awareness Month is a time to remember this and take active steps to make this right a reality.

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