Patient Testimony

Testimony by Ms.Medicine Patient: Robin

Thursday, May 11th, 2022, my life changed…. The life I thought I knew came to a grinding halt. It started like a typical Thursday evening, I was in the nursery putting my 3-month-old to bed when thud, a huge crashing sound, and a blood-curdling shriek pierced my soul. I went running to find my husband having a seizure on the floor of our 4-year-old’s room. A 9-1-1 call later and off to the ER we went. Following behind the ambulance, I immediately called our Ms.Medicine provider for guidance.

What questions did I need to ask, what tests would they run, and what did I need to advocate for? I had too many questions to navigate on my own. After reassuring me we would get through this together, I was given the rundown of what we would endure in the Emergency Room. After what felt like a thousand pokes, prods, and images we finally had an answer to the cause of the seizure. The words that changed everything were, “I’m sorry to have to tell you this but we found a rather large mass in your brain that needs further testing”. My heart dropped, tears fell, and I reeled wondering what next.

 After taking a moment to compose myself, I shot a quick message to our doc about the news. They immediately sprang into action, connecting us to the top specialists in our area. Within 24 hours, I had gotten a call from the personal cellphone of the head of neurosurgery with a plan. More testing, surgery, and then a bit of a waiting game for the final pathology results.

Words truly fail to describe the agony of the unknown, the slow ticking of the clock minute by minute as you wait. What I can tell you is that our Ms.Medicine provider was there every step of the way. The office helped coordinate care and answered any questions we had. We received daily messages checking in on not only my husband, but myself, and our children.

 A few months have passed since that awful night and while our journey is far from over, I am thankful we found a physician who goes above and beyond to ensure that we are taken care of. They consider our well-being- mind, body, and soul. If I wasn’t sure, it was the right decision before, I certainly am now. There is no price I wouldn’t pay for the peace of mind that we’re getting the best healthcare possible.

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